From Unqualified to Disqualified

(Vice President of the USA Kamala Harris speaks during NAN 2023 convention day 3 at Sheraton Times Square in New York on April 14, 2023)

Editor's Note

How Destructive Kamala Harris has achieved such proximity to the Oval Office is beyond comprehension. But the fact remains that the Democrats have put her forward, as it were, as their nominee. Thankfully, voters can survey the land by looking at her record as vice president. 

The results, as Peachy Keenan describes, are not pretty. An open border, a continued drug epidemic, and soaring prices are among the realities attributable to the policies of the administration she notionally shares with Joe Biden. For an extensive look at her failures, read Peachy’s debut on our site.

Let me start by stating the obvious: Kamala Harris is an awful vice president and an even worse candidate. She would make a lousy president; another four years of Kamala would be the terminal end-stage demise of America. Our precious constitutional republic would be put into hospice care until it wastes away for good. Of course, that’s her ultimate goal. What did you think “overthrow the patriarchy was”? Vibes? Papers? 

By 2028, this country would be a vassal state of serfs and foreign invaders digitally overseen by domineering and merciless elites who monitor everything we do and say as they extract the last few pennies from under the couch cushions before they usher in permanent one-party rule.

Trust me, I’m not looking forward to this.

But Destructive Kamala’s mediocrity as a candidate and potential president is, perhaps, just my opinion, and even debatable, depending on your point of view. Fine. We can agree to differ. 

But we can also look at her actions and record and come to the objective conclusion that she has rendered herself unfit for public office. She is now an outlier among past presidential candidates from the two major parties and cannot be allowed anywhere near the top job.

Tldr: Kamala Harris is not just totally unqualified to be president but disqualified. Here’s why:

First, the obvious disqualification: she enthusiastically allowed and enabled millions of foreigners to enter the United States with no legal permission. We don’t know the real number — it could be as low as three million or as high as 11, just for the last four years. She oversaw a “broken” system that actually worked great, at least for her party: the system is so “broken” that somehow millions of future loyal Democrat voters from around the world managed to board flights into the interior of the country and fill small towns in the Midwest, in swing states, and in our formerly great cities. 

For a broken system, it sure seems to be working pretty well! Under her Border Czarina oversight, even naturalization times have been reduced from years to just a few months — just in time for the election, coincidentally. Amazing that a system this broken can operate this efficiently! Illegals even get phones loaded with a Customs app that lets them right in, no questions asked. 

But encouraging, even celebrating, the mockery and degradation of our national sovereignty by foreign actors for years is in fact a serious crime she has committed — against her own citizens, the constitution, and the laws she swore to protect and defend. Remember her oath? To protect us against threats foreign and domestic?

Kamala personally turned grave foreign threats into domestic ones by opening the door to 425,000 convicted criminals, over 13,000 murderers, and almost 16,000 rapists and those convicted of sexual assault. Not all entered  under her watch, but these men are today “roaming the U.S. as part of ICE’s non-detained docket.” None have been deported! Every single rape and murder and robbery and DUI crash they commit was 100% preventable. 

Worse, Border Patrol agents routinely warn that known terrorists have entered illegally, along with nine surface-to-air missiles that entered the border into New Mexico. 


Second: She has looked the other way as a catastrophic and preventable drug epidemic continues to ravage young, mostly white, Americans. In just a few days in September at a single point-of-entry in Nogales, Border Patrol found 1.5 million fentanyl pills hidden in cars. The poison China is sending is being driven right through the open doors she’s keeping propped open. Around 110,000 Americans overdose each year, many by using the pills stashed in cars driving up from Mexico. 

These numbers are approaching a genocide being inflicted on us by foreign countries such as China and Mexico, and allowing this to continue constitutes giving aid and support to our enemies. 


Third: She has completely ignored the impoverishing of her own citizens under the crushing inflation she caused. The Inflation Reduction Act, naturally, spiked prices and she personally cast the tie-breaking vote. She did this to us. She drove millions out of the middle class, made the struggle out of the pandemic a thousand times worse, and has never once acknowledged it or apologized for it. And then, she delivered the final coup de grâce and abject humiliation to the citizens she is supposed to care about: she helped send $100 billion of our money to the most corrupt foreign government on Earth (outside our own). 

Ukrainian officials have fully funded pensions and giant, brand-new mansions have proliferated in the suburbs around Kyiv. We all built Ukraine back better, and had no say in it. Kamala Harris owes us a lot of money and an apology. We’ll never see either. But the least we can do is disqualify her from continuing to feed Americans into the poverty machine for four more years.

Fourth: Kamala covered up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline for years and hoodwinked the people she is asking to trust her. Trust her? She pretended Joe was fine and to this day acts like the only reason Nancy booted him off the ticket was because he had an off-night at the debate. She has known about Joe’s mental decline and delicate medical condition for years and did everything in her power to hide it from us. Predictably, not a single member of the press has ever asked her about this. She has gotten away with the biggest, most insane cover up since…well, this is way worse than Watergate. This is extreme deception, and maybe the greatest national security scandal since they had to cover up Obama’s sketchy origin story.

And finally, fifth: the recent historic and devastating flood in North Carolina has left hundreds dead and thousands without food, water, power, or their homes. There was little warning. Facebook is full of desperate posts of people begging to be rescued off roofs and out of flooded areas. One woman posted a photo of her parents and 6-year-old clinging to the roof of their house outside Asheville as a 15-foot-deep ocean of turbulent water swept past. Seconds later, the roof collapsed and her parents and child drowned in front of her eyes. And where was Kamala while citizens were begging for her help? She was busy doing a podcast with two former NBA players, and an episode of an X-rated sex advice podcast called Call Her Daddy.

Call her disqualified!

The data is clear. Kamala Harris has broken federal laws, state laws, and her oath of office. She has subverted the Constitution and consorted with our adversaries. Destructive Kamala’s actions are indistinguishable from those of someone who hates America and its people and wants to hurt as many of them as possible. 

The only conclusion I can draw is that this deeply unqualified person is totally and completely disqualified from ever holding public office again. November 5th can’t come fast enough!

Don’t worry too much about Kamala, though. I’m sure she can get her old job at McDonald’s back.